About: Elaine is the author of the newly released biography "Dusty Roads—Meet the Hidden Figure Who Really Ignited the Women’s Movement." She used extensive interviews with Dusty to bring her empowering tenacity alive for readers. As a stewardess and union leader, Dusty was the most influential voice in her union and one of the first female lobbyists in Washington DC. This was before phrases like sex discrimination and women's rights hadn't yet enterewd the nation's vocabulary. Elaine is a women's rights advocate and former history teacher and technology executive. Her passion is writing about little-known but courageous and heroic women and men whose persistence and resilience helped shape history and became leaders and trailblazers. She is a member of the California Writers Club-Redwood Writers Branch, Biographers International Organization, Non-fiction Authors Association, NOW and, National Women’s History Alliance. Elaine was featured on the 2024 PBS American Experience documentary "Fly With Me."